Is it a suspicious email? How do I find out?
👍If you are sure the email is spam or a phishing email, you can simply Use the report button within Outlook.
Check out these videos to see how;
Outlook Desktop Application Video!
Outlook Web App Online Video!
🤔If you are unsure and would like IT to investigate the email, we need to be able to access the email header, which can only be found if the email is saved as an attachment.
Go to the Outlook app and right click on the email and select copy. You can then paste the file into a ticket Suspicious Email SR
Click the link to see a video on how to drag and drop an email into another email : Drag and Drop

⚠️Important - things to note
Never reply to an email message — not even to unsubscribe from a mailing list — unless you know and trust the sender, such as when the email message comes from a service, an online store, or newsletter that you have signed up with. Answering spam just confirms to the spammer that your e-mail address is an active one.
Prod Workflow Mailer - Emails such as the below are genuinely from ESR, so there is no need to worry. If you log into ESR you can read the notifications directly in the portal.

MS Training Email
If you have received a Phishing Training Email - 'You have training(s) to complete' - Please click here to read more about this email