Self Service Password Reset(Windows 10 / 11)
1. On the initial log on-screen on an MKUH device, you will see a 'Reset Password' option
2. Enter your email in the box provided and click 'Next'
3. You will need to verify your identity using 2 methods, which could be any of the combinations below;
Text message and a Microsoft Authenticator app prompt
Text message and security questions
Phone call & Microsoft Authenticator app prompt
4. You enter your phone number and then enter the code you receive in the text message
5. Once verified you will choose a second method
6. Once you have chosen a second method and it has been verified you are able to input a new password
8. You can now enter your new password on the log-on screen and log in as normal.
Known Issues:
Some staff have reported that they encounter an error like the below, in this instance, please first restart your machine and try again.