Smartcard error: "3606: [AuthValidate] Failed To Validate User"
Smartcard error: "3606: [AuthValidate] Failed To Validate User", usually comes up for one of the two following reasons:
- The person is trying to log in with a smartcard that has been cancelled on CIS/CIM and there are no valid certificates for that card.
- The smartcard itself is fine, but the device that they are trying to log in on is registered with the wrong Smartcard domain.
If someone has changed the Smartcard domain on the PC you are using and you know who, please ask them to change the domain back to the live environment.
If not, then please call IT and we can update this for you.
The V2-Live-X64.reg file located here \\mkhe\itsupport\IdentityAgent\HSCIC V2 Reg Files\64-BIT