What Connects To What
This document will be a record of applications and how they connect to external suppliers and contact details
Imaging - CT Scanner connected to Medica via VPN Tunnel - Images are sent to the Medica out of hours (Need to check where they go during work hours
in the event of an issue
- Engineering need to check VPN tunnel our end
- Imaging should log a ticket to Medica to check their end
- Medica contact details: 03330 100999
- Medica support times
Winpath - Pathology Blood results system
Management Interfaces - PC's who supports
How does it connect to eCARE
When do Pathology call Clinisys?
the above link goes to a document setup by Pirran that all Pathology staff can see and should read, if you get calls from Pathology you can ask if they have refered to above link
Requests not coming from eCARE into CRIS or Winpath
Users will report from imaging that requests will not appear in CRIS and from Pathology they won't be able to generate OCS numbers.
This is all linked to the TIE and Mirth box, so we need to check the TIE and it is either stalled or a message is blocking the queue.
Once we release the message or restart the TIE messages that are queued will start to come in.
3rd Line can't resolve, normally will be Robert Holloway (Not oncall) or Ian Fabbro out of hours.
Insight Web failing to load
Fault displayed is "error whilst initialising Insight, unable to reach HTTP server. Operation has timed out, shutting down"
This issue needs to be looked at by Insignia external company
- So the site managers will need to tell imaging to contact Insignia which will probably involve contacting the PACS team.
- The 2 servers involved are PACS-DS-01 and PACS-DS-02
- a previous ticket 144402, 3rd line did do a workaround which was to change the DNS A record to point to another server which resolved it at that time
- So contact 3rd oncall as a precaution
Jayex Kiosks for Patients when checking in
The issue that is reported is that patients book in via the Jayex Kiosks but they are not checked in to the RPAS section of eCARE, so receptionists can't see that the patient has arrived.
- so this process involves connection to a server MKH-IIS-JAYL-01 and this server connects to the TIE, so the TIE listens on Port 30920
- so patient checks in, message goes to server and the TIE checks in with the server and passes messages over to RPAS in eCARE
- Contact IT integration team first to see if they can see messages on the TIE
- If no Messages, get 3rd line to check server MKH-IIS-JAYL-01, there are about 4 services that should be running. normally this can happen after windows updates, a server re-boot will fix issue.
- Previous job Ref 145695